If you are living in the williamette area there are many great values from Beautifolia to take advantage of. There is greater selection of plant varieties and sizes, there are discounts for all plants, there is free delivery of plants with minimum orders. If you are having plants delivered you have one free yard consultation/review to see what can be done to beautify the garden more. For more details on local customer services read below.
Full Size Plants Direct Wholesale
Local Discounts and Pricing:
Any customer who is locally buying will receive discount of 25% off storefront pricing for 4inch pots and #1gallon containers. Pricing on other material such as larger containers and field trees will be posted on this page. The price list is what is consistantly available at the nursery. Many items will not be on this list be will be available. Therefore if you know what plant you are looking for just call or email and I will have a quick answere.
Flowering Trees and Shrubs
These links are under construction. Please call me to ask about availability and price.